Protect Net Neutrality!


May 18, 2017: Voted to begin the process of eliminating Title II protection of the Internet. Without Title II protection, the Internet will no longer be regulated as a public utility. This will effectively put the Internet up for sale to the highest bidders, and allow Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to favor or block particular websites and types of online content.

The consequences of Internet monopolization are severe: we would have less choice over content, higher prices, less chance for independent voices to be heard, and less ability to mobilize grassroots movements.

April 20, 2017: Voted to lift restrictions on the amount of airwaves that large broadcasters can purchase and thus monopolize. They also voted to allow broadband rate hikes for schools, libraries, hospitals, and small businesses.

March 29, 2017: Voted to overturn the Broadband Privacy Order, thus allowing broadband service providers access to consumers’ personal data without express written permission.

The time to act is NOW:
File a Comment with the FCC

Up to July 17, 2017, The FCC is currently accepting comments on this proposed regulation change.

To make a comment:

  1. Visit or (if it doesn’t load, wait a few minutes and try again)
  2. In the first box (labelled “Proceeding(s)“) type 17-108. It should auto-populate as “17-108 Restoring Internet Freedom”. Press Enter.
    FCC Express Comment Screenshot
  3. Fill out the form with your name and contact information.
  4. Enter your comment. You can use the sample comment below as a template.
  5. Click “Continue to review screen” check your submission,
  6. Click “Submit.”
  7. If there are problems, call the phone number at the bottom of the page. The FCC is experiencing high traffic volumes and anticipates periodic shutdowns.

Sample Comment

I do not agree with any proposed changes to the regulation of the internet. The internet should continue to be regulated under Title II to ensure fair and equal access to broadband use by all ISPs and to stop any paid prioritization. The FCC is mandated to serve American citizens, not corporations, and we have a right to keep access to airwaves and broadband protected from monopolization.

I agree with Commissioners Clyburn and McSweeney and believe this policy change would give unfair advantage and profit to the largest of companies and eliminate viable access to all others. We cannot allow content and privacy to be controlled by corporate gatekeepers. A change in Title II regulations and/or rules that ban blocking or throttling websites threatens our constitutional rights to free speech. I submit that regulations remain as they are. Thank you.

Spread the word and contact your Member of Congress and Senators to tell them not to allow any changes to the internet regulations!

Washington, DC: 202-225-5614
Kinderhook: 518-610-8133
Kingston: 845-514-2322
Delhi: 607-746-9537

Washington, DC: 202-224-6542
NYC: 212-486-4430
Peekskill: 914-734-1532
Albany: 518-431-4070

Washington, DC: 202-224-4451
NYC: 212-688-6262
Hudson Valley: 845-875-4585
Albany: 518-431-0120

Learn more & stay involved:

Visit and sign up for updates from, which is a hub of many organizations advocating for free press and an open net. #protectnetneutralitycalltoaction

Things to know about the proposed regulation changes, NPRM Docket 17-108

  • The FCC is sending a distorted message by calling this NPRM (Notice of Proposed Rulemaking) “Restoring internet Freedom.” We call it The end of access to online free speech.
  • Two commissioners, Mignon Clyburn of the FCC and Terrell McSweeny of the FTC, oppose these rule changes. They authored a statement describing the plan as “a gift to behemoth incumbent broadband providers” who will be “powerful gatekeepers of our modern world,” controlling content and consumer private user data. (
  • The rule changes are supported by all the giant Cable Companies, and would allow them to slow the Internet to a crawl, and then force sites to pay for special “fast lanes.”
  • The rule changes are also supported by many right wing groups such as Freedom Works (supported by the Koch Brothers) and American Commitment, which is for “constitutionally-limited government regulation” and has called net neutrality Marxist.
  • The Chairman of the FCC, Ajit Pai, is a former Verizon lawyer. He was appointed to the FCC by President Obama in May 2012, at the recommendation of Mitch McConnell, and named Chairman of the FCC in January 2017 by President Trump.
  • We need to fill the comment board with our comments, it took 4 million of us last time, this time we need more!
  • Extremist, right wing groups have already started flooding the comment board.
  • Don’t get discouraged, your comment is counted. It goes into an official government document that they are required to review and comment on.

Confused? Let John Oliver explain:

Learn more & stay involved

Visit and sign up for updates from, which is a hub of many organizations advocating for free press and an open net.