Observe a County Legislature Meeting!

Help Our Community Stay Informed About Local Government!

The Ulster County Legislature (UCL) Observers Working Group seeks volunteers to attend Ulster County Legislative and standing committee meetings and report back to our larger body. Our goal is to keep our members informed with factual information on timely issues that are in alignment with the UP platform so they may lend their support and/or voice their concerns when needed.

At this time we are looking for:

  • two members to attend the monthly UCL meeting, each attending one of the caucuses immediately preceding it
  • one member to attend each of the standing committees listed below

If you would like to commit to a date, please email Tamara at ttelberg@gmail.com or Elisa at elee2chee@gmail.com and let them know of the meeting(s) you would like to attend.

You can use this simple reporting form to take notes.
Note: if you would like to fill out the form digitally, please download it first. If you use your browser to enter in the information, your responses may not be saved. Feel free to instead print out a paper copy, complete by hand, and then send a photo or scan.

This month’s meetings

Next month’s meetings

All Meetings take place in the County Office Building, 244 Fair Street, Kingston.

We recommend confirming the meeting locations, times etc by checking the county website or calendar for updates.

We look forward to moving the county toward a more just, prosperous and sustainable community for all.

In Solidarity,

Tamara Telberg (ttelberg@gmail.com)
Elisa Tucci (elee2chee@gmail.com)