Just when we thought we were making real progress…..
The Dems on the Laws and Rules Committee are rumored to be getting cold feet about letting Proposed Local Law No. 10 of 2019: A Local Law Regarding Campaign Finance Reform move forward to a vote of the full Legislature (currently scheduled for Wednesday, Dec. 18.)
This may be the most important issue to be addressed by the legislature this year.
Campaign Finance Reform means that:
- big donors will have less influence on our elections.
- pay-to-play corruption in government will be reduced.
- candidates who couldn’t afford to wage competitive campaigns now can.
- we are more likely to have a more diverse group of candidates to choose from
- and elected officials who more accurately represent our communities.
For specifics on how this legislation evolved, please see our previous blog posts.
Ulster People will be extremely disappointed if Proposed Local Law #10 of 2019 is not passed.
We will be even more disappointed if legislators are not given the opportunity to weigh in individually. Without a vote, we (the people) are deprived of an important means of holding our elected officials to account. That is especially true of those who promised to support this effort in return for our endorsement.
Please contact any or all of the Laws & Rules committee members before 6:30 PM Monday Dec. 16, especially if you live in their districts, and urge them not to table Comprehensive Campaign Finance Reform (to allow the vote to go forward).
Check back here on Tuesday to find out what happened on Monday evening in the Laws and Rules Committee meeting.
If the committee decides to let this legislation go forward to a vote, you are all urged to come take advantage of the public comment period before the meeting begins. Plan to arrive a little before 7 to sign up.
Let our legislators know how much we care and that we are watching how they vote. Even if you don’t want to speak, your presence is an important way to show your support.
For Guidelines for Speaking to the Ulster County Legislature, see The Ulster County Legislature: Why Should You Care? page 9.
Previous Posts on Ulster County Campaign Finance Reform:
- Legislative Update: Campaign Finance Reform in Ulster County
- Legislative Update: Campaign Finance Reform in Ulster County – Part 2
- Update on Campaign Finance Reform (post 7/8 meeting)
- Comprehensive Campaign Finance Reform (Sept. Update)
- Finally!!! Campaign Finance Reform gets a Public Hearing!
- Campaign Finance Reform Update 12-15-19
- Last Campaign Finance update of 2019